HMY was appointed by Fort Pitt Academy to carry out numerous projects, including replacement of their existing dilapidated science labs to create a new building and to carry out compliance upgrade works to the existing fabric. The school site is on a former military hospital and fort site dating back to the Napoleonic Wars, as well as this, there are two Grade II Listed buildings on site and the entire school site is a designated Ancient Monument.
HMY was instrumental in obtaining £7.4M funding from EFA (Education Funding Agency) to complete the projects for Fort Pitt Academy. The jobs were completed in May 2018.
An Options Appraisal was carried out to measure and ascertain the best and least contentious location for the new building so that the impact on the listed buildings and the military remains could be mitigated. HMY organised and carried out extensive consultation and application processes with Historic England, Conservation Officers and the local Planning Officer, as well as Archaeologists, Acousticians, neighbours and the school teachers as the ‘end users’.