BBC News Article on our Greenbanks Adult Day Care Buildings





The Fifth Trust is a Kent-based charity that supports
adults with learning disabilities providing day care services
on two sites in the Elham Valley near Canterbury for
around 150 students.

The Trust had received planning approval to replace their
timber buildings at the end of their life. Their brief was to
provide three environmentally efficient buildings
comprising classrooms for media, photography and
design; arts and crafts; and an amenity hub.

The Trust raised nearly £2 million in grants and donations
from members of the public, companies and other
charitable bodies and appointed HMY as Architect, Lead
Consultant and Interior Designer.

The design and layout of the buildings is loosely based
upon the memory of the old railway line and Barham
station that lies alongside the site. The sloping site
provided a challenge to create a fully accessible route to
all the buildings and the adjoining gardens.